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February 18, 2021 News of the Day

State and Local News

Baltimore police report a 400-percent increase in untraceable ‘ghost guns,’ mirroring a state trend:

Hogan Appoints Rachel Jones to House of Delegates:

Black Troopers Allege Discrimination in Maryland State Police:

Can This Man Save The Baltimore Sun?:

Md. stakeholders call for compromise, consistency in 2021 cannabis legalization effort:

Frosh calls for eightfold increase in eviction filing fee:

Lawmakers Seek To Regulate ‘Ghost Guns’ As Usage Balloons:

Md. bill to aid immigrant workers provokes lively debate, advances:

County Execs: State Vaccine Swaps, Logistical Issues Hamper Distribution Efforts:

Lawmakers Considering How to Remake State’s Environmental Justice Commission:

Howard County Executive Calvin Ball releases video on Ellicott City flood mitigation progress:

Group of Annapolis restaurant owners asks for a break on liquor license renewal fees amid COVID pandemic:

All Three Major Rating Agencies Reaffirm Maryland’s AAA Bond Rating:

Kirwan Blueprint Has Passed… Now What?:

Federal News

Cruz faces flak over apparent Cancun trip during Texas crisis:

De Blasio rips ‘bullying’ Cuomo over nursing home controversy:

Former Kansas Sen. Bob Dole announces stage 4 lung cancer diagnosis:

Dem fears mount over immigration overhaul:

A trio of conservative groups tries to torpedo two top Biden nominees:

Republican senators push to investigate Cuomo over New York nursing home deaths:

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